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Lightning Class Association

Event Registrants

This is a list of registrants for the displayed event
Title: Master's World Championship
When: Thursday, May 12, 2022, to Monday, May 16, 2022

Name Type
Ross Bailey Planning to Attend
Jon Betts Planning to Attend
Ronald Buchanan Planning to Attend
William Cabrall Planning to Attend
JOHN CHERVENIC Planning to Attend
Steve Constants Planning to Attend
Dave Corcoran Planning to Attend
Edward Eagan Planning to Attend
Ian Edwards Planning to Attend
Kalyn Froeschle Planning to Attend
Bill Hall Planning to Attend
Pete Hallagan Planning to Attend
Ryan Hamm Planning to Attend
Steve Harris Planning to Attend
Terry HART Planning to Attend
Robert Hertel Planning to Attend
Gary Hurban Planning to Attend
Tom Klaban Planning to Attend
Jim Lane Planning to Attend
Brad Law Planning to Attend
Gareth Lewis Planning to Attend
John McCree Planning to Attend
Peter McGinity Planning to Attend
Clay Murphy Planning to Attend
paul nagel Planning to Attend
Gerry Paoli Planning to Attend
Gerry Paoli Planning to Attend
susan paoli Planning to Attend
Ched Proctor Planning to Attend
Bruce Richards Planning to Attend
Robert Shapiro Planning to Attend
David Spira Planning to Attend
David Sprague Planning to Attend
Keith Taboada Planning to Attend
Brad Wagnon Planning to Attend
Brad Wagnon Planning to Attend
Richard Waldkirch Planning to Attend
Sponsor Number URL address
Sponsor 1
Sponsor 2
Sponsor 3
Sponsor 4
Sponsor 5
Sponsor 6
Sponsor 7
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Sponsor 10

Lightning Class Supporters