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Pre Pan Am Test Event
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About this event
We are inviting your sailing team for the Pre-Pan-American 2022, hosted in Algarrobo bay from 29th October to 1st November. The sailing regattas events, will be open to all sailors in all of sailing boats in the Pan-American Program (ILCA 6 and 7, Kitesurf, IqFoil, Sunfish, Snipe, Lightning, Nacra, 49er, 49fx).
As a National Sailing Federation, we are really happy about the possibility to be the organizer of that even, just one year before to the Pan-American Games Santiago 2023. In the same dates and the same races place.
Watch for more information to be posted soon. If your delegation wants to stay more days in Algarrobo, Chile before the event, please inform as to support you.
MARISSA MAURIN G. PRESIDENTE FEDERACIÓN DEPORTIVA NACIONAL DE NAVEGACIÓN A VELA Ramón Cruz Nº1176 of. 401–Ñuñoa- Santiago- Chile Teléfono: (56 02)-2724073
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