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Lightning Class Association
Date: 9/3/2024
Subject: Governing Board 5th Executive Committee Member Election
From: International Lightning Class Association

Dear Governing Board Members:

September 1st marks the beginning of a new Slate of Officers. David Starck has returned for a second term as Class President as will the other Executive Committee positions be held by returning EC Members. We welcome the following NEW Governing Board Members: 
  • Jason Bemis, VP Special Projects
  • William Faude, VP Pan Am Games
  • Connor Godfrey, VP Special Projects
  • Dan Gravatt, District Commodore of California
  • Batton Kennon, District Commodore of Southeastern District
  • Ched Proctor, co- VP of Boat Grant
  • Bruce Richards, District Commodore of Mississippi Valley District
  • Angelos Vasilas, VP Greece
A special thank you to all of you for your leadership and commitment to the Class.

It is time to elect the fifth member of the Executive Committee for the 2024-2025 year.

According to the ILCA Constitution: The Executive Committee shall be a sub-committee of and empowered to act in the name of the Governing Board when prompt action is required. There will be five members of the Executive Committee, four of whom shall automatically be the President, Chief Measurer, Secretary and Treasurer. The fifth member will be elected by the Governing Board. The election will be decided based on a simple majority of the votes received within 45 days from the date the ballot is issued.

The President shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee. This Committee shall approve policy, procedure, and the appointment of sub-committees by the President. It shall grant charters, create and alter territorial limits, fill vacancies in office, subject to ratification by the Governing Board. This committee must approve the purchase and sale of securities and approve depositories.

Please click on the above Ballot Button and complete by Thursday, October 17, 2024. 

If you have any questions please contact President David Starck or myself. 

Thank you very much for your dedication and commitment to the Class.
Laura Jeffers
ILCA Executive Secretary

International Lightning Class Association
(727) 942-7969 or
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