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2022 Bolivarian Games

Laura Jeffers | Published on 6/24/2022

The Bolivarian Games is a multidisciplinary sport event held every four years that is part of the Olympic cycle and that includes the countries that achieved their independence thanks to Simón Bolívar, such as Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

The venue for the 2022 Bolivarian Games will be in Valledupar, Colombia from June 24 to July 5 and in this edition the Lightning Class will be present.

As usual, sailing and water sports change cities and this is no exception. In this case, the famous Tominé Reservoir will host the sport of sailing.

Among the classes that will participate is the Lightning with the Mixed Format of two women and one man. This, at a certain point, will help the countries of South America to form their teams looking forward to the next Pan American Games 2023.

Each country will be able to take two crews and the participation of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Chile has been confirmed, the latter as a guest country since 2013 at the Bolivarian Games. We are also excited to welcome Venezuela to the Lightning Division. 

The level of talent in these games are going to be extremely high. Many South American champions and Pan American medalists will participate, the competition for a medal will be intense.

For those of us who have gone to Tominé, we know that the conditions are too difficult, with constantly shifty winds that can drive you crazy and until you finish the race you cannot take for granted that this will be your position, anything can happen.

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