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US Sailing One Design Survey

Laura Jeffers | Published on 2/27/2023
US Sailing One Design Survey Image
Debbie Probst, 2015 Lightning Class President:

The US Sailing One Design Class Committee recently conducted a survey of both individual sailors and class associations, with the intent of establishing a baseline from which to track growth and activity.  The information collected will also be used to identify ways US Sailing and classes can help grow and improve our sport.  As members of both the Lightning Class and the One Design Class Committee, Abby Ruhlman and I are proud to repeatedly hear our class is a model for many programs and initiatives.  However, we cannot rest on our laurels—we need to continue to reach out to new and existing sailors in the effort to increase both our membership numbers and enjoyment of our time on the water!  
Thoughts On the One Design Survey 
Hugh Hutchison, 2020 and 2021 Lightning Class President

It’s clear that Debbie, Abby and the rest of the OD Class Committee did a great job in putting together this survey. A survey is of little consequence, however, if its results are not turned into action. The Lightning Class can be justly proud of how the results reflect on the Class but the most important take-away is that we have a strong foundation to be a leader among one-designs going forward.

So what did we learn from the survey?
We learned that we have work to do to attract and maintain young adult and female participants. The good news is that the Lightning Class is particularly well positioned to address this issue. Unlike most one design classes, the Lighting Class already has in place programs like the Boat Grant Program, Lightning Labs, the Youth World and regional championships as well as the Women’s North American Championship. The Class is a well-known commodity with a high “favorability rating” already in place. We have an efficient administration, regular publications and a long history of attracting some of the “best of the best” of one design sailors who have a reputation for being willing to share their knowledge with all who inquire. It’s a pretty unbeatable combination.

So how do we make it work to support one-design sailing?
My own observation is that one of the most frequently voiced concerns is the “inability to attract capable crew.“ I suggest that rather than viewing that issue as a hurdle we look at it as an opportunity. There are certainly women and youth in each of our communities that would like to become involved in sailing if asked. So ask. Put together a mid-week program to introduce non-sailors to the sport. Set up a series of races specifically intended to include less-proficient sailors as crew. 

It isn’t really rocket science, A little time and attention will go a long way to easily address the issues that are fundamental to supporting one design sailing. The Lightning Class is uniquely suited to do just that.

US Sailing’s One Design Classes Committee releases the results of US Sailing’s biannual One Design Classes and Individual Sailor Surveys:
Survey Results

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