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Winter Meeting Notices - Updated April 10, 2024

Laura Jeffers | Published on 4/10/2024

Annual Winter Meeting of Members will be held Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time via a Virtual ZOOM Meeting. The meeting invitation link will be emailed out to members prior to the meeting.  If you have not received the link to register for the meeting please send an email to: or call the Class Office (727) 942-7969. 

At this time no items have been presented for vote.  

If you would like to be added to the agenda or if you have something to share during either meeting, please send a request or short written report to Class Secretary Jeffers or contact Class President David Starck at ASAP

Please note that Personal and Fleet Dues must be current in order to vote.

The Governing Board Winter Meeting was held Saturday, March 9, 2024 via ZOOM.  District Commodores, Vice Presidents and the Executive committee met with quorum.

The one item was presented for vote and PASSED. 

A working committee was formed to evaluate the format of the NAs. Thank you to NAs VP Joe Starck, 2024 NAs Chair Debbie Probst, Jason Lutz, Past President Bill Bogardus and many others that gave input. Their work columnated in a proposed Temporary Amendment to the Document Governing All Sanctioned Lightning Class Championships, Articles Which Specifically Apply to the North American Championship - Article XIII Racing Conditions. The Executive Committee stands behind the work of the committee and is in favor of this amendment. 

Click on the link below to review the Temporary Amendment that will be in place for the 2024 North American Championship. 

Temporary Amendment #1 March 9, 2024 - PASSED 

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