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Lightning Class Association
Date: 2/12/2021
Subject: Winter Meeting Announcements
From: International Lightning Class Association

Winter Meeting Announcements - 
February 12, 2021 
The next Governing Board Meeting will be held Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 1500 hrs Eastern Time via a Virtual Meeting using the Zoom Platform. District Commodores, Vice Presidents and the Executive Committee will all receive and invitation link via email. 
No items are up for vote at the meeting. 
The Annual Winter Meeting of Members will be held Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 1500 hrs Eastern Time via a Virtual Meeting using the Zoom Platform. A meeting invitation will be sent to all members prior to the meeting. 
At this time no items are up for vote at the meeting. 
If you would like to be added to the agenda or if you have something to share during either meeting, please send a request or short written report to Class Secretary Jeffers at or contact Class President Hugh Hutchison at  by Monday, March 8th for the Governing Board Meeting or Thursday, April 1st for the Annual Meeting. 
If required, electronic ballots will be emailed out to respective participants according to the Class Rules. 
Please note that Personal and Fleet Dues must be current in order to vote. 
Minutes from 2020 Meetings
Governing Board April 18, 2020  - Meeting Video Recording
Annual Winter Meeting April 25, 2020  - Meeting Video Recording
Governing Board August 1, 2020 - Meeting Video Recording
Annual Meeting August 8, 2020 -   Meeting Video Recording

International Lightning Class Association
Laura Jeffers, Executive Secretary
(727) 942-7969

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Lightning Class Supporters